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- Israel pilgrimage
Pilgrimage to Israel: Walking the "Jerusalem Way" - INTI Tours
Through the mountains of Galilee and the Judean desert to Jerusalem from 15.09.-23.09.2022
On this pilgrimage to Israel you will walk through the mountains of Galilee and the Judean desert to Jerusalem with meetings and exchanges.
Israel is diverse and fascinating. The Middle East attracts visitors like few other regions on earth. The development of cultures over 10,000 years can be explored between the Mediterranean coast and the Jordan Rift Valley. Centers of three world religions lie close together. Something of what makes the region so unique is to be experienced authentically on this trip through short hikes and through encounters. On this special walking tour you will meet people of different colors, who form the multicultural kaleidoscope of Israeli society. What has changed in the landscape of Israel and Palestine since Jesus walked through the fertile Galilee and the Judean desert 2000 years ago? And how do the different populations - Jews, Christians and Muslims - live together today on this small piece of land that everyone claims as their "promised land"? This pilgrimage aims to meet the different people with open eyes and hearts. You will stay in local hotels, in kibbutz guesthouses and in monasteries. The trip consists of two different walking elements. One is the historic path of Jesus through the mountains and valleys of the lower Galilee, the path to the Sea of Galilee and along the lakeshore. Then after a journey through the Jordan Rift Valley, the second section of the trail leads up through the Judean Desert to Jerusalem - the millennia-old place of longing for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Embark on a pilgrimage in the Holy Land.
Nazareth Pilgerwanderung von Nazareth nach Kanaa Zippori mit feinen Mosaikarbeiten Begegnung mit jüdisch-arabischen Fraueninitiative Kennenlernen des Kibbutzalltags Grab des Propheten Jethro Arbel Nationalpark Pilgerwanderung an den See Genezareth Seligpreisungsberg & Kapernaum der Franziskaner Jordangraben Totes Meer Wüstenwanderung Nabi Musa - Grab des Propheten Moses Wadi Qelt Jericho, die "älteste Stadt der Welt" Jerusalem mit Neu- und Altstadt Terrassenanlagen im palästinensische Dorf Battir - UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe Pilgerwanderung nach Beit Jala Besuch von LIFEGATE Geburtskirche in Bethlehem
Journey to Israel
Arrival from Stuttgart via Vienna to Tel Aviv. Reception and approximately two-hour drive to Nazareth. First dinner with getting to know the group and the tour guide. Overnight stay at the Villa Nazareth Hotel.
- Dinner
Pilgrimage from Nazareth to Cana via Zippori
Your first day of travel takes you first through Arab-Israeli Nazareth with its special sights: the impressive Catholic Church of the Annunciation, the intimate Orthodox Gabriel Church and the Arab market - the Souk. A short drive takes you to Zippori, which is famous for its fine mosaic work and ancient cistern system. From here you walk on an easy path through sparse forest to Cana. On the way you will pass through the Arab village of Mash'had, which boasts the tomb of the Prophet Jonah. In Canaah, a meeting and talk with the Jewish-Arab women's initiative Sindyanna of Galilee is planned to learn more about the coexistence of Jewish and Arab Israelis. A bus transfer of about one hour will take you to Kibbutz Lavi. This religious kibbutz is special - the socialist tradition of the kibbutz movement unites here with the old religious Jewish tradition. Second night at Villa Nazareth Hotel. (7 km / 4 hrs - times include breaks)
> Hiking time: approx. 3-4 hrs.
- Breakfast
- Dinner
Kibbutz tradition and pilgrimage to the Sea of Galilee
After breakfast, walk over the Kibbutz with explanations of the history of the Kibbutz by a Kibbutz member. A short bus transfer takes you to the tomb of the Druze saint and prophet Jethro, also called Nabi Shuaib. You will visit the sanctuary with the tomb and the impressive festival hall and learn more about this small religious community. Continue on to the Arbel National Park. After a short walk, the Arbel cliff offers a fantastic view of the mountains of Lower and Upper Galilee, as well as the Sea of Galilee. If you feel like it, you can descend to the Wadi Hammam - also known as the Dove Valley - in about an hour via a narrow path (you need to have a head for heights and be sure-footed). If this is too adventurous for you, you can take a leisurely walk back to the bus and meet the hikers in the village of Hammam. In nearby rural Moschav Migdal - whose name recalls the ancient and in its time largest city on the Sea of Galilee, as well as Mary of Migdal/ Magdalene - visit the excavations. Overnight at Karei Deshe Guest House.
> Hiking information: 1-2 hrs.
- Breakfast
- Dinner
Capernaum and Dead Sea
Today you visit the Mount of Beatitudes and the famous Capernaum of the Franciscans with its excavations. A short pilgrimage walk takes you to Tabgha. Continue on to Capernaum. A few metres away, the traditional place of the Russian Orthodox Church lies almost forgotten and quiet. Here the beauty of the sea atmosphere invites you to inner peace and meditation. After a lunch break, you will travel by bus along the Jordan Rift Valley to the Dead Sea. Enjoy a bath in the Dead Sea and let yourself float like a cork on the water. Overnight at Almog Guest House with wonderful views.
> Hiking time: approx. 1 hr.
> Total driving time: approx. 3 hrs.
- Breakfast
- Dinner
Desert Walk, Jericho and Bedouins
Today you will experience a real desert day! The landscape of the Judean desert early in the morning in the first sunlight is overwhelming. Today's first destination is Nabi Musa, which is revered in Islam as the tomb of the Prophet Moses. Then a short drive to the gorge of Wadi Qelt. You will visit the St. George Monastery and then hike for about two hours through the impressive nature of the wadi down to Jericho. After a short orientation drive through the "oldest city in the world", you will spend your lunch break here. Afterwards you will learn more about the life of the Bedouins, who will tell you about their cultural balancing act between centuries-old Bedouin traditions and modernity. Second overnight stay at Almog Guest House.
> Hiking information: approx. 3 hrs.
- Breakfast
- Dinner
Jerusalem - historical, political, religious
A shorter drive takes you to the Mount of Olives with the best view of Jerusalem. Here you will take part in a unique experience: under expert guidance you will become "amateur archaeologists" and sift ceramic shards from "historical rubble" of the Temple Mount. Afterwards, the tour continues via the Kidron Valley to the City of David, the most important archaeological site of biblical Jerusalem. Through the Dung Gate you enter the Old City proper and visit the Western Wall - Wailing Wall - from the Herodian period. On the famous Via Dolorosa you walk up to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre and the Church of the Resurrection. On the way you will visit the most important religious sites for Judaism, Christianity and Islam and highlight similarities as well as differences between the three monotheistic religions. Overnight at Ecce Homo Convent Pilgrim House in Jerusalem.
> Hiking information:1-2 hrs.
- Breakfast
- Dinner
New and Old City of Jerusalem
In the morning, you will explore Government Hill with the Israeli Parliament and the Knesset, the Holocaust Memorial Hill with the Shoa Memorial Yad Vashem. Afterwards, you will walk through Jewish West Jerusalem to the colourful Mahane Yehuda Market, which has become a trendy nightlife district in recent years with its cafés and bars. You continue your explorations in the Old City on Mount Zion, where the tomb of King David and the Upper Room are located. Second night at Ecce Homo Convent Pilgrim House.
- Breakfast
- Dinner
The Palestinian Neighbours - Pilgrimage to Beit Jala
Today you will drive to the Palestinian village of Battir, which has been on the border between Israel and Palestine for 60 years. You will talk to local people and get to know the beautiful terraced sites, which are a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From here you will walk to Beit Jala, the Christian suburb of Bethlehem. A visit to LIFEGATE is planned: with a team of Palestinian and German staff, LIFEGATE offers support measures and educational programmes to children and young people with physical and/or mental disabilities. After a lunch break, visit to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Return journey to Jerusalem in the afternoon. Last dinner together and third night at Ecce Homo Convent Pilgrim House.
> Hiking time: approx. 2-3 hrs.
> Total journey time: approx. 2 hrs.
- Breakfast
- Dinner
Return journey to Germany
In the morning there is time to stroll through Jerusalem one last time. Let the impressions of your pilgrimage through the Holy Land sink in. Depending on departure time, transfer to the airport and return flight to Germany.
Possible travel extension:
Optionally, there is the possibility of an individual bathing extension according to your wishes.
- Breakfast
- Änderungen vorbehalten -
Termine & Preise
Eingeschlossene Leistungen
- Flug ab/bis Stuttgart nach Tel Aviv
- 8 Übernachtungen im DZ mit Halbpension in Gästehäusern
- Mahlzeiten wie beschrieben (F) = Frühstück, (M) = Mittagessen, (A) = Abendessen,
- 9 Tage deutschsprachige örtliche Reise- und Pilgerleitung
- 9 Tage klimatisierter Reisebus für alle Fahrten lt. Programm
- Eintrittsgelder lt. Programm
- Spenden/Honorare für Begegnungen:Sindyanna of Galilee, Kibutzführung Lavi, Beduinen, Battir
- Deutsche Reisebegleitung ab/bis Deutschland durch Martina Ehrlich
Zusätzliche Entgelte / nicht enthalten
- Trinkgelder (Empfehlung unserer Agentur vor Ort: EUR 7 pro Person und Tag sollten eingeplant, nach Möglichkeit von der Gruppenleitung bereits im Vorfeld eingesammelt werden. Schlüssel: EUR 4 für Reiseleiter, EUR 2 für Busfahrer, EUR 1 für Hotelpersonal)
- Mittagessen und Getränke
- Persönliche Ausgaben
- Sämtliche Reise- und sonstigen Versicherungen
Wichtiges für diese Reise
Für die Einreise brauchen Sie einen gültigen Reisepass. Ihr Reisepass muss ab Einreise mindestens noch sechs Monate lang gültig sein.
Ein Großteil der Reisenden reist über den internationalen Flughafen Ben Gurion, knapp 20 Kilometer südöstlich von Tel Aviv, nach Israel ein. Dort sowie an den Grenzübergängen Taba (nach Ägypten) und Allenby-Brücke (nach Jordanien) erhält jeder
Reisende eine Einreisekarte („B2 Stay Permit“), die bis zur Ausreise aufbewahrt werden muss. Ein Einreisestempel im Pass wird dann nicht mehr angebracht. Bei der Überquerung von Kontrollpunkten, insbesondere im Westjordanland, sollte die Einreisekarte zur Vermeidung von Schwierigkeiten mitgeführt werden.
Eine Gelbfieberimpfung ist bei Einreise aus Infektionsgebieten vorgeschrieben, siehe www.who.int. Bei direkter Einreise aus Deutschland ist keine Gelbfieberimpfung notwendig.
Das Auswärtige Amt empfiehlt grundsätzlich, die Standardimpfungen gemäß aktuellem Impfkalender des Robert-Koch-Instituts für Kinder und Erwachsene anlässlich jeder Reise zu überprüfen und zu vervollständigen.
Dazu gehören für Erwachsene die Impfungen gegen Tetanus, Diphtherie, Pertussis (Keuchhusten), ggf. auch gegen Polio (Kinderlähmung), Mumps, Masern, Röteln (MMR), Influenza, Pneumokokken und Herpes Zoster (Gürtelrose).
Als Reiseimpfungen werden Hepatitis A, bei Langzeitaufenthalt oder besonderer Exposition auch Hepatitis B und Tollwut empfohlen. Für einen Langzeitaufenthalt in den Palästinensischen Gebieten wird zudem noch eine Typhusimpfung empfohlen.
Voraussichtliche Flugzeiten:
15.09.22 ab Stuttgart um 10:40 Uhr an Wien um 11:55 Uhr
ab Wien um 13:20 Uhr an Tel Aviv um 17:45 Uhr
23.09.22 ab Tel Aviv um 17.10 Uhr an München um 20:10 Uhr
ab München um 20:10 Uhr an Stuttgart um 23:00 Uhr
Anmeldeschluss ist der 30.04.2022!
Für deutsche Staatsangehörige ist ein Reisepass notwendig. Er muss mindestens sechs Monate über die Reise hinaus gültig sein.
Deutsche Staatsangehörige, die nach dem 1. Januar 1928 geboren sind, benötigen bis zu einem Aufenthalt von drei Monaten kein Visum. Deutsche Staatsangehörige, die in der Vergangenheit aus Israel ausgewiesen wurden, sich illegal in Israel aufgehalten haben oder denen die Einreise nach Israel verweigert wurde, müssen vor ihrer Einreise bei einer israelischen Auslandsvertretung oder dem israelischen Innenministerium ihren Fall überprüfen lassen und ein Visum einholen.
Ein Großteil der Reisenden reist über den internationalen Flughafen Ben Gurion, knapp 20 Kilometer südöstlich von Tel Aviv, nach Israel ein. Dort sowie an den Grenzübergängen Taba (nach Ägypten) und Allenby-Brücke (nach Jordanien) erhält jeder Reisende eine Einreisekarte („B2 Stay Permit“), die bis zur Ausreise aufbewahrt werden muss. Ein Einreisestempel im Pass wird dann nicht mehr angebracht. Bei der Überquerung von Kontrollpunkten, insbesondere im Westjordanland, sollte die Einreisekarte zur Vermeidung von Schwierigkeiten mitgeführt werden.
Auch das könnte Ihnen gefallen...
Israel pilgrimage
9 days Gruppenreise
12 up to 20 travellers
starting at3190 € (flight included)
For the above-mentioned flights, climate-relevant emissions of about 1,522 kg of CO2 are produced per person. By making a voluntary contribution of 35.00 euros to atmosfair, you can help to relieve our climate.